左鍵  Left-Click

Music and Lyrics by Ashin

那高牆 將要倒下
紅燈熄滅 時間傾斜

That high wall will fall
The red light will be extinguished, time will slant
Issue roses

你的眼前 我的眼前
隻字片言 變得熱烈

Before your eyes, before my eyes
A few words become ardent


I’ve fallen in love with the fiery left-click 
It takes me to a different word
One that has you

我穿過 訊號蜿蜒

I’ve passed through zigzagging information
Into the expanse of your heart

開始冒險 世外桃源
你的故事 甜美新鮮
想要更多 你給不給

Started to risk utopia
Your story, sweet and fresh
Wanting more, will you give it

住在這 冰冷世界
不停厭倦 巨大謊言

Standing here, this cold world
Ceaselessly dreary, massive lies
The soul is stranded

Language: Mandarin
Copyright 2001 by Rock Records
Translated by M. Oyen

Notes:  I really don't have any idea how to translate "左鍵."  The only thing I know that this refers to is the left button of a mouse, but I kept thinking this was wrong.  Help!!