朋友變情人再變朋友 Friends Become Lovers Then Again Become Friends

作詞:張覺隆/五月天-阿信 作曲:張覺隆 編曲:Mac Chew
Lyrics by Zhang Juelong and Ashin  Music by Zhang Juelong

安靜的房間 還有你的溫柔 躺在棉被上 看著多的枕頭
為何分手後 回憶就被偷走 愛情走到盡頭 是否可以做朋友

In a quiet room there’s still your gentleness lying on the quilt, looking at the pillows
Why is it that after breaking up, memories are stolen, when love has ended, can you still be friends?

你和我 以前是朋友 心情不錯 就想約你走走
你聊電影 我聽你唱歌 我們總是 無話不說

You and I once were friends, that feeling was pretty good, finding time to wander around with you
You talked about movies, I listened to you sing, we were always able to talk about anything

還能做朋友 或許這是 最好的結果
朋友變情人再變朋友 誰懂這坎坷

Can we still be friends, or perhaps this is the final outcome
Friends become lovers and then again become friends, who understands these changes

愛上你以後 失意也很輕鬆 現實太殘酷 夢中你會擁抱我
當愛上以後 如今我們分手 我變成情歌手 是唱太多芭樂歌

Since falling in love with you, even disappointments are relaxing, this reality is too cruel, in my dreams you’ll still hold me
After falling in love with you, if today we break up, I’ll turn into a singer of love songs, sing too many ballads

你和我 現在是朋友 你那麼好 卻只能做朋友
你裝冷漠 我裝無所謂 我們如何 要求更多

You and I are friends now, you’re so great but we can only be friends
I pretend to be cool, I pretend not to care, how can we ask for more

還能做朋友 或許這是 最好的結果
朋友變情人再變朋友 只能寫成歌

If we can still be friends, perhaps this is the best outcome
Friends become lovers and then again become friends, you can only write it into a song

朋友變情人再變朋友 祝我們快樂

When friends become lovers and then again become friends, I wish us happiness

Language: Mandarin
Copyright 2006 by Rock Records, B’in Music
Translated by M. Oyen