無可救藥  Incurable

-阿信 作曲:品冠 
Lyrics by Ashin            Music by Victor Wong

暗戀是一種禮貌 暗地裡蓋一座城堡 然後再當你的警衛跑腿和小貓
Hidden love is a kind of courtesy, hiding it inside a castle, then acting as your security guard, errand boy and kitten

隨時你要我重灌電腦 隨時你要我隨傳隨到 買麵包 雞排和水餃
At any time you want me to recharge your computer, at any time you want me you call and I come running, buying you bread, chicken, and dumplings

你每次對著我笑 你的笑裡面有毒藥 我看著你出了神 還丟掉了解藥
Every time you smile at me, in your smile is poison, then I look at your spirit, and throw away the antidote

可能你從來沒感覺到 最好你永遠感覺不到 愛上妳 越來越無可救藥
It’s possible you’ve never before felt it, it’s best that you never feel it, loving you, more and more incurably

一天一天越來越無可救藥 一生一次愛你到無可救藥
Day by day, more and more incurable, one life one time, incurably in love with you

我才慢慢體會到 幸福是被愛的人需要
I now slowly come to realize that true happiness is something that the person you love requires
一天一天越來越無可救藥 一生一次愛你到無可救藥
Day by day, more and more incurable, one life one time, incurably in love with you
我才狠狠決定要 就愛吧 就醬吧 就不逃
I now ferociously decide I’ll just love, just this way, just don’t flee

你每次對著我笑 你的笑裡面有毒藥 我看著你出了神 還丟掉了解藥
Every time you smile at me, in your smile is poison, then I look at spirit, and throw away the antidote
可能你從來沒感覺到 最好你永遠感覺不到 愛上妳 越來越無可救藥
It’s possible you’ve never before felt it, it’s best that you never feel it, loving you, more and more incurably

一天一天越來越無可救藥 一生一次愛你到無可救藥
Day by day, more and more incurable, one life one time,
incurably in love with you
我才慢慢體會到 幸福是被愛的人需要
I now slowly come to realize that true happiness is something that the person you love requires
一天一天越來越無可救藥 一生一次愛你到無可救藥
Day by day, more and more incurable, one life one time, incurably in love with you
我才狠狠決定要 就愛吧 就醬吧 就不逃
I now ferociously decide I’ll just love, just this way, just don’t flee

Incurably in love you


Language: Mandarin
Copyright 2006 by B’in Music, Rock Records 
Translated by M. Oyen

Notes: Song produced by Ashin.  Video is here.